Sports Massage


Sports Massage


A deep tissue massage that realigns the fibres and connective tissues, this manual therapy improves flexibility, reduces pain and enhances range of motion. This manipulative massage is effective for the prevention and healing of injuries, chronic conditions and aiding the restricted movement to the muscles and tendons.

Mike has a process-oriented approach that uses a combination of hands on bodywork techniques, including deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, medical acupuncture and sports stretching alongside functional exercises and education to help facilitate the client’s healing process.

Whether the aim is to reduce or eliminate musculoskeletal pain, increase range of motion or promote the positive psychological effects of massage, Mike works with the client to create an effective treatment plan towards progression and improvement. 


Mike’s aim is to help rehabilitate a client so they feel ready to exercise again or go about their lives pain free.

Sports massage can not only help with sports injuries but also repetitive strain injuries, back pain, carpal tunnel, sciatica, migraines and sleeping problems.

Aftercare is core part of this service too, with Mike advising on an individual basis specific exercises to strengthen muscles and address imbalances.


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